Artistic interventions in non-conventional places keep rising everywhere around the partner countries.
From Serbia, Field B’s pilot action on the topic of AIO (Artistic Interventions in Organizations) – developed by Irena Čučković, journalist, freelance photographer and Media&Arts project manager based in Novi Sad – has crossed the line between the arts and the business world.
In fact, by bringing creative solutions provided by artists and the employees, AIO – Artistic Interventions in Organizations pilot action aims at finding new business models, bringing innovation, generating ideas and supporting skills development in the business sector.
We all know – or can imagine – that a bridge between the two worlds is not always easy. It takes a great deal of trust to build such a connection and to allow the contamination of ideas coming from either side.
Let’s see how they did it…
Everyone can be an artist, if you know how to
This pilot action mainly consists in workshops on the basics of marketing and product photography intended for producers of arts and crafts, held at the OPENS Center in Novi Sad on May 22. The event gathered thirty participants of various profiles, mostly from Novi Sad or surrounding places.
During the six hours of the workshops, participants had the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge about the basics of product photography, as well as about content placement on social networks, primarily Instagram and Facebook. The lecture was given by Irena Čučković.
After the theoretical part of the workshops, there was a practical part where the participants had the opportunity to apply their knowledge by taking photos of their products. These photos
could be used later for their promotion on social media. The main objective of this pilot action was the education and capacity building of the producers of arts and crafts. At the same time, this pilot action aimed at creating an opportunity for networking among these producers and at increasing the visibility on their products.
A short video made at the workshops can be found here:
- AIO workshops
- AIO workshops
Werkstat concept store
Moreover, an artistic intervention at the Werkstat concept store in Petrovaradin was held. This intervention included the design, printing and an installation of the photo boot in front of the store, in order to increase its visibility and to become a recognizable spot for tourists who are visiting the neighboring Petrovaradin Fortress.
The installation was designed by Slaviša Starčev, a graphical designer from Novi Sad.
Werkstat concept store is a place in Petrovaradin that gathers and sells crafts and arts from various producers of such items in Novi Sad and Vojvodina region, so in this way the pilot action
connected both – the Werkstat concept store with its potential clients, as well with its customers.
- WERKSTAT intervention
- WERKSTAT intervention
- WERKSTAT intervention
This kind of cross-sectoral cooperation has a greatly benefitial potential for both the artists and the business sector, as the latter benefits from the new and creative solutions brought about by the first, which can be implemented in their future work, while it brings new opportunities to display the creative work of the artists.
In this case, employees, producers and workers located in the Vojvodina region had the chance to take part in free creative workshops that enhanced their skills, while the artists enjoyed the opportunity to enter local businesses and contribute with their creative solutions to real-life, day-to-day issues of the economic world.
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