TRAINART enters the business world: the AIO project from Serbia

By |2022-07-25T13:37:33+02:00July 14th, 2022|

Artistic interventions in non-conventional places keep rising everywhere around the partner countries. From Serbia, Field B's pilot action on the topic of AIO (Artistic Interventions in Organizations) - developed by Irena Čučković, journalist, freelance photographer and Media&Arts project manager based in Novi Sad - has crossed the line between the arts and the business world. [...]

Field B is on fire! 3 new pilot actions from Italy

By |2022-07-20T15:48:13+02:00July 1st, 2022|

July is the pilot actions month! While waiting to meet up in Ancona (Italy) for the very last field visit, beneficiaries are working hard on implementing their pilot projects. Specifically, beneficiaries from Field B - artistic interventions in non-conventional contexts are engaged in the creation of performances that take place outside the usual locations dedicated to [...]

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