TRAINART aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the European Performing Arts sector and shaping new skills for cultural operators interested in developing innovative business models in the Cultural and Creative Industries.

TRAINART aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the European Performing Arts sector and shaping new skills for cultural operators interested in developing innovative business models in the Cultural and Creative Industries.


TRAINART enters the business world: the AIO project from Serbia

July 14th, 2022|0 Comments

Artistic interventions in non-conventional places keep rising everywhere around the partner countries. From Serbia, Field B's pilot action on the topic of AIO (Artistic Interventions in Organizations) - developed by Irena Čučković, journalist, freelance photographer [...]


Specific objectives

TRAINART aims to give new skills to cultural operators/artists by focusing on two particular fields: management models of cultural spaces and artistic interventions in non-conventional contexts.


New management models
for cultural spaces

The need for performing arts center executives to exhibit strategic leadership and strong change management capacities may be best addressed by developing a systemic capacity building approach, based on the development of five key change management capacities. Engagement with international touring and presenting, as well as engaging diverse cultures within the community, requires the capacity to manage international cultural interactions and to represent cultural identity. Shifts in audience behavior and the constant increase of competition from diverse leisure activities require the capacity to promote innovative methods of audience development and to experiment participatory governance approaches. The diverse revenue streams involved in the management require the capacity to foster a sustainable mixed funding system. Most important, performing arts center leaders must exhibit effective strategic leadership, including constant strategic awareness and an entrepreneurial focus on changing environmental demands in the international, domestic and organization spheres of engagement.


Artistic interventions
in non-conventional contexts

TRAINART intends to provide cultural operators with adequate training to meet the demand for artistic interventions in unconventional contexts as quickly and effectively as possible. Artistic interventions in non-conventional frameworks (enterprises or public bodies) allow artists to open new markets and to reach different audiences, but also to gain new inspirations from unusual work environments: artistic interventions represent new opportunities for artists for experimentation and growth.


Transnational capacity
building programme

The main findings of the analysis will be exploited to prepare the training programmes and the learning outcomes to be achieved through the training and the feasibility analysis for pilot activities. The selected participants will thus benefit from a full mobility schemes to foster knowledge and to learn from peers at European level on how to effectively implement innovative business models in the creative sector. The beneficiaries will attend 60 training hours provided through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) to acquire and/or foster basic skills in management, marketing and finance. Then they will access 60 hours of non-formal and peer-to-peer training, organized in different “training hotspots” (20 training hours each) for the two areas of intervention A (in Ireland, Spain and Italy) and B (in Sweden, Serbia and Italy).

Skills gap

In order to best calibrate the subsequent activities of the project, the partners will carry out an effective assessment on the professional skills required in the cultural and creative sector of partner’s territories, with specific reference to the fields addressed by the project. The purpose of the analysis is to investigate the needs and the constraints of the cultural operators in developing more sustainable practices and improving their economic performances. At the end of this phase, a pilot group of cultural operators coming from Italy, Spain, Serbia and Sweden to participate in the capacity building programme.

of pilot actions

Coordinated by the project partners, the beneficiaries will have the opportunity to test the skills acquired, experimenting with new business models and new artistic interventions aimed at public or private organizations. The pilot actions will be implemented in Italy, Sweden, Serbia and Spain. Possible examples of pilot actions (not exhaustive): 1) implementation of new services within traditional cultural spaces; 2) promote a more participatory governance of a space, which will stimulate the inclusion of the local community and its participation in the proposed cultural activities; 3) identification and implementation of innovative public development practices; 4) development of an artistic intervention adapted to the need of a private organization operating in a traditional economic sector; 5) development of artistic interventions to favor the socio-economic development of a neighborhood within urban regeneration projects.
